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Let your healing journey begin under the wings of the Mother Hen.

The Mother Hen Speaks content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please always seek the advice of a licensed mental health professional or other qualified licensed health providers with any questions you may have regarding your concerns and health. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it.

    Let me start off by saying that It's unfortunate that you had to come here, however, I'm glad that we've found each other. When deciding to create a platform for survivors, my objective was to create a tool for personal reinvention, mental resetting and re-creating the biography of those who have been subjected to abuse. My first step was crystallizing the mindset of who this community would effectively accommodate. My brainstorm discovered the following:

This platform is not for:
  • Blaming 
  • Victimization
  • Holding grudges
  • Feeling sorry for oneself 

This platform will work for:
  • Restoration
  • Personal Strength
  • Re-education
  • Life Remodeling
  • Healthy Self Love

Personal reflection helped me to realize that the only person that can assist me in making a change is me. I also came to appreciate that true closure comes in the reinvention and remodeling of the trajectory that the abuser put me on, not on seeking revenge. Revenge consists of wanting the person to feel to some extent the pain that they made you feel. Do you really believe that you have the power and resources to ethically and legally carry out such an act? Once I got clear on the uselessness of revenge, I then knew that holding grudges only aided in me being disempowered and grossly hindered my growth as a person. Think of the hamster on the spinning wheel. That's the person holding a grudge, sadly working hard yet getting and going nowhere. Empower yourself by releasing the unattainable desire of "putting" that not so nice person in their place. Once you do that you will then be set free.

Ask yourself, how do you want your biography to read? Start envisioning it. Then let the vision give birth to positive action. That being said, this is what the platform is here for. POSITIVE ACTION! You have to be willing to do the work. Focusing on you translates to nurturing you, the first step of writing the wrong means "renovating" precious you.  

What happened to you was nothing short of mental and emotional "trafficking" for your abusers purpose. Aren't you tired of feeling this way and living the lie that they created for you? Take your power back because you deserve it. One way to do this is through the gift of music. It certainly is a divine gift. When used properly it can aid in our re-education. In the song below the artist had to realize who she had to change. It's appropriately entitled "YOU". Please review the lyrics and see if it resonates with you. If it does, "prep" yourself for change. This change means a mental and emotional dismantling of the years of miseducation under the hands of your abuser. That's my nice way of saying stop believing the lies that you were conditioned to tolerate. The only one that can deprogram your mind is you.

The Mother Hen

The Song